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Tangy Kale Salad

  • Brian 

This piquant kale salad has some lime, cheese, and garlic. Its flavor will entirely change depending on how you prepare your kale!

Salt – How Much Is Too Much?

  • Brian 

Besides carbohydrates, salt has been one of the nutrients in food that has taken a big punch to the face, is often demonized.

A Short Guide To Protein

  • Brian 

Protein is without a doubt one of the most discussed nutrients we get from food on a daily basis.
There have been many debates and myths surrounding this nutrient, so in this article, our goal will be to tell you more about everything you NEED to know regarding protein.

Shrimp Mushroom Stir Fry

  • Brian 

This shrimp recipe will provide you with lots of protein and B-12 as your stir-fried vegetables get you the rest of the nutrients with every bite.